Facing financial challenges can be frightening. It often forces hardworking individuals to make financial decisions that hurt themselves and those they love. Your transportation, for example, may become unreliable, and one mechanical breakdown may put you in a position where you have to decide between fixing your car and paying your rent or mortgage. This is an overwhelmingly stressful situation and one that you should not have to face.
The good news is that you may not have to deal with it. Although many people continue to struggle to get out of debt, they often waste years merely digging their hole deeper. Instead of pouring time, money and your own mental well-being into such a big problem, you should consider seeking debt relief. Although it often carries a negative connotation, personal bankruptcy is one of those debt relief options that should be carefully considered, as it may be able to provide you with the fresh financial start you need.
The process of filing for bankruptcy is legal in nature, which means that there are certain requirements that you must meet before your bankruptcy plan will be approved. Whether you are considering a Chapter 7 liquidation bankruptcy or a Chapter 13 reorganization bankruptcy, you may want to think about discussing the matter with an experienced law firm like the Frankfort Law Group. Our attorneys understand the law as well as the steps you need to take in order to give yourself the best possible chance of successfully relieving yourself of debt.
If you are considering bankruptcy, then you have another difficult choice ahead of you: choosing your legal ally. There are many firms out there that offer to provide clients with assistance in meeting their financial goals, but they are not created equally. Therefore, you need to carefully vet every law firm you are considering to see if they will give you the individualized approach your case needs and deserves. We take pride in the customized representation we have given our clients over the years, and we encourage those who are looking for representation to explore our firm further.