For many Illinois residents, thinking about an estate plan is an unwanted acknowledgement that life is finite. It is not something they want to consider, let along act upon. However, failure to have even a basic estate plan is a mistake that will have far-reaching...
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Month: November 2018
How to cope with your ex’s affair partner being around your kids
Divorces happen for a variety of reasons. One is adultery, which can be particularly traumatic for the spouse who was faithful. This situation is also difficult when there are children involved. The child custody process might be complicated because of the affair...
What is non-marital property in Illinois property division?
When an Illinois couple prepares to get a divorce, there are many issues that will be in dispute. Obviously, at the forefront will be children, custody and parenting time. Spousal support will be an important consideration as well. As with any marriage, there will be...
The personal bankruptcy discharge and creditor objections
Frankfort residents who are drowning in debt and do not know where to turn should consider the advantages of personal bankruptcy. Before moving forward with the process, however, it is vital to understand certain aspects of it and if it is a viable alternative. For...
Personal loans becoming more common, can lead to debt problems
People can quickly become overwhelmed with debt. Sometimes finances become tight when a job is suddenly and unexpectedly lost. In other instances, the onset of a serious medical condition leaves a family struggling to get by. There are some debt options that may help...