When a struggling consumer has made the decision to file for bankruptcy, they may worry about what will happen to their possessions and belongings. It helps to understand how Chapter 7 bankruptcy exemptions can protect some of their property and what personal...
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Month: August 2020
The risks of vaping
Many people mistakenly believe that vaping is safe. They may use a vape to wean themselves from traditional cigarettes. But nicotine is an addictive ingredient used in both products. Vaping does not involve some of the more caustic additives of cigarettes or cigars,...
Is this creditor harassment?
Illinois residents like you sometimes need financial aid. Sometimes you get into debt and sometimes you need help getting back out of it. There is no shame in this. Unfortunately, you may feel pressured to act quickly. As soon as you fall into debt, debt collectors...
How are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies different?
You may have heard that filing for personal bankruptcy has the potential to give you the fresh start you need to get a better grip on your finances and create a brighter future. You may, too, have heard that there are several types of personal bankruptcies that exist,...
Should I move out during my divorce?
Divorce can be a confusing time for a person. Every decision can impact the outcome of the divorce, which means it can affect your future. It is crucial to consider the consequences before making any decision in your divorce. So, can moving out of your house create...