Having the pressure of past-due bills is usually enough to create stress so it does not help when creditors repeatedly badger you for money. A periodic reminder of your debts is not unfair, but you should know the signs of harassment so you can report illegal behavior.
Misrepresentation is just one of the many ways that creditors can harass you. This type of mistreatment can take on many forms.
Recognizing inconsistencies
Just because you receive a notice from a creditor that you owe money does not mean you should believe every word. Misrepresentation does happen and can compromise your financial situation in costly ways. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, misrepresentation from creditors includes lying about how much money you owe, threats to have you arrested and impersonating a legal entity or some other authority.
From the first time you receive a letter from a creditor asking you to pay your bills, make notes about all interactions. Include details about your communications including dates, times, what any letters say and who you speak with to correct the situation. This information can provide ample support if you need to file a claim of harassment. Additionally, comparing requests from debt collectors to your own records of what you owe can help you recognize inconsistencies right away.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act or FDCPA prohibits debt collectors from engaging in illegal practices to get you to pay them back. Under this law, you can report illegal debt collection practices against you.
If your financial situation continues to suffer because of creditor harassment, you may consider filing a lawsuit. Regardless of how much money you owe, you do not deserve to suffer mistreatment at the hands of deceiving creditors.