Commercial vehicles are significantly larger than passenger vehicles, which means that they exert more force during a collision. Furthermore, commercial trucks tend to take more time to slow down, so they tend to collide with passenger vehicles at relatively high rates of speed. Large truck accidents around the nation, including Illinois, account for 10% of traffic deaths despite only accounting for 4% of accidents overall.
Speed often plays a role in large truck accidents
Truck drivers may drive too fast for road conditions when they are under pressure to complete deliveries in relatively short periods of time. They may also drive too fast for road conditions if they are approaching their hours limit. Under federal law, drivers can only be on the road for up to 60 hours over the course of seven days. The law limits them to 70 hours over the course of eight days, and after reaching these limits, drivers must rest for at least 34 hours.
Truck driver impairment can increase the risk of a crash
Individuals who use drugs, consume alcohol or take prescription medications may have difficulty processing information in a timely manner. They may also lose control over their minds and bodies, which might increase their risk of making dangerous decisions. In some cases, a lack of sleep, a sore back or drinking too much coffee can make it harder to operate a motor vehicle safely.
Distracted driving is a significant problem
It isn’t uncommon for truck drivers to use their phones while their trucks are moving. They may also change the radio station in their cabins, look at maps or take other actions that take their attention off of the road. A personal injury attorney may help you obtain a favorable settlement from a driver who was distracted when your accident took place.
If you are hurt in an accident involving a commercial vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation. A financial award may help pay medical bills, help make up for lost wages or make it possible to cover long-term costs related to an accident caused by a negligent driver.