If you miss payments on some of your obligations, you may find yourself at the mercy of Illinois debt collectors. Some debt collectors are reasonable, but others don't follow any standards and harass consumers. It often goes unreported because consumers think debt...
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Month: November 2021
How can I stop creditor harassment after bankruptcy?
You’ve recently filed for bankruptcy and feel a sense of relief and excitement at making a fresh financial start. Suddenly, you start receiving calls from creditors again. You may feel shocked and confused, wondering if something went wrong with the bankruptcy or you...
When will a creditor sue you for an unpaid debt?
Being sued by a creditor in Illinois usually doesn’t happen right after you default. Creditors typically pursue other, much less expensive, methods of collecting unpaid debts before taking you to court. You may receive letters and frequent calls before a lawsuit is...
Will I be able to keep my car if I file for bankruptcy?
If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy in Illinois, you’re going to have a lot of questions. The more assets you have, the more questions will come with them. One of the most common questions, however, is what will happen to your car? Will you be able to keep it...
Will I lose everything if I file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Many people in Will County who are struggling with financial hardships may be afraid to file for bankruptcy, because they think they will lose everything if they do. This is not true. When a person files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, there are “exemptions,” that is,...
How to recognize and stop debt collector harassment
If you miss payments for a debt, you may get annoying calls from creditors. What many people in Will County, Illinois, don't realize is that creditors cannot do anything they want. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act sets guidelines for debt collectors to follow...