The impact of divorce affects every family member in different ways. While the focus of marital dissolution is largely on women and children, the impact on fathers is sometimes unfairly downplayed. That can lead to a lack of sympathy and support, making a challenging...
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family law
How is child support calculated in Illinois?
If you are a parent who pays or receives child support, you may wonder how the amount of support is calculated. In this blog post, we will explore some fairly recent child support laws in Illinois, and how they affect your child support obligation or entitlement. The...
What are the myths that fathers hear about Illinois divorce?
If you are a father who is going through a divorce or a custody dispute, you may have heard or read about "fathers' rights" and how they are often violated by family courts. You may have been told that you have little chance of getting a fair share of parenting time...
Viewing divorce as a transition in life
When Illinois residents are facing major life decisions, they usually put in quite a bit of time thinking about the best path forward. Marriage and divorce definitely fall into this arena. Each is a major decision of course, but no one gets married thinking that the...
International child custody
Child custody is one of the most contentious issues in many divorces. When one Illinois spouse has international connections, the child custody fight becomes even more contentious. Legal international child custody This is not to say that international child custody...
When is a child custody modification request warranted?
If you’re reading this post, then you’re probably worried about your current child custody arrangement. But even if that’s the case, you might be struggling to figure out your best course of action. In most instance, filing a motion to modify custody is your strongest...
Modifying an Illinois order for child support
When an Illinois couple completes the process of terminating their divorce, dividing their assets, and ensuring financial support for their children, they will likely assume that they will not have any further disagreements regarding child support. Unfortunately, life...
What is the impact of divorce upon your will?
When you go through a divorce, it’s understandable that estate planning won’t be your top priority. But when the time comes, it’s important to turn your attention to your will, because the divorce can have an impact on what you have previously executed Revocation upon...
How does Illinois divide property during a divorce?
Among the list of concerns during a divorce, financial security almost always finds its way near the top. Competing interests and priorities can cloud judgment and lead to confusion regarding which assets go to whom and for how long. Illinois applies a method of...
How to determine allocation of decision-making responsibilities
Parents in Illinois need to make many decisions for their children as they raise them. Some are just day-to-day decisions about what they may eat or wear to school. Others are much more important. These include decisions about their health care, what schools they will...